The Class Assemblies or the class plays are a much awaited annual feature for every class from Lower Kindergarten to Std. X.
In the Primary school, the students get an opportunity to explore, discover and showcase their immense talent - be it in singing, dancing or acting. At this level, every single student of the class has an opportunity to participate in the annual class play that is a collaborative effort between the class teachers, the dance teacher, the music teacher, the gymnastics teacher and the speech and drama teacher - all of whom provide key inputs to bring out the best in the students and enhance the performance as a whole. The main objective of these creative performances is to enhance the self esteem of every child, as she learns and develops various skills - to articulate and enunciate her speech clearly, face the audience confidently, develop a stage presence, as well as showcase her inner talent in front of an audience of the class parents and all the students of the Primary school.
In the Secondary school, there is exposure of a different kind as the students of each class work together to explore a theme, script their own play, cast actors, direct the performance, create sets and props, and manage the sound, lighting and other backstage activities. Immense learning takes place as students learn to coordinate these multifarious activities and work as a team, like seasoned professionals. Often the themes chosen for the class assemblies are based on topical, current issues or related to curricular areas the students are exploring in class, thereby adding a new dimension to their learning.